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Nov 232010

Welcome to Tommy, the site dedicated to assisting you in your quest to achieve the human potential!! The potential for optimum health, wellness, fitness and true “agelessness” goes unrealized for so many individuals due to a host of unfavorable practices, as well as a failure to carry out basic fundamental disciplines that are well recognized as being healthful and life extending. While many sites address specific corners such as hormonal intervention, pills, potions and the like – this site presents the belief that world-class levels of nutrition combined with serious multilevel exercise schemes can induce the body into the anabolic/adaptive state required for optimal health. By avoiding the pitfalls encountered by the general population, it is possible to produce a body that appears pathologically younger than the tally of your actual birthdays.

It has been said that our pathological age is often indicated by the presence and level of various degenerative conditions. Many of these conditions, are at least enhanced, if not brought about entirely by the lack of profound health habits. By that thinking alone, it might be possible to reduce the presence and affect of many degenerative conditions by the elimination of the practices that caused them. Just as smoking is considered to be the number one preventable cause of death, it makes perfect sense to realize that by simply quitting or eliminating this particular cause – you can thereby reduce or eliminate the effect! And don’t think for a minute that I think this is something easy to do, simply check out the “Tommy Atlas Story” page to see my battles with it! We will talk much more about this crippling habit in other sections.

Imagine how you can live your life with a higher level health and fitness to such a degree when you’ve actually reduced the appearance of your pathological age. Imagine more strength, more energy and possible freedom from a whole host of degenerative conditions. Imagine how your contributions to your career, family and loved ones will increase. That is the underlying goal for achieving your potential for agelessness.

This potential for true agelessness is well within your grasp. It only requires that you give up some things in your diet, add a few things to your diet and perform a series of exercises on a regular basis. It is entirely up to you as to how far you wish to take it. I have tried to simplify all the means and methods required for this quest. Although I want you to understand the basics or phonics if you will, I have provided many simplified solutions for you to follow and hopefully acquire some positive benefits from even the lower levels of adherence to these methods.

In short, I will show you some simple ways to stop poisoning yourself, start feeding your body correctly and how to perform exercises that will help induce an anabolic/adaptive state for your body. Although I enjoy the underlying theories and sciences behind all of these theories, at some point we simply have to quit digging at the roots and began picking the fruit off of the trees. Nonetheless, as I am always advising my friends, there are still a few things you must do no matter how we simplify things:

1. To some degree, you are going to have to become a student of what it is you want to do or become.

2. You are going to have to find some way within yourself, to make yourself do the things that you are learning you need to do.

To give you an idea upfront of the materials within, I have created an outline of the basic fundamentals necessary create the elements of this desired change. As you will see, many of these items either overlap or are subcomponents of each other – thereby reducing the number of actual categories. I will explain each one of these fundamentals in more detail throughout this website but for an immediate general picture they are as follows:

1. Avoiding toxins, irritants, poisons and empty calories.

2. Successfully pursuing a diet with an extremely high nutritional value to caloric ratio.

3. Create an anabolic/adaptive condition for the body with a high muscularity to low body fat ratio.

4. Develop cardiovascular fitness and enhanced circulation.

5. Flexibility

6. Reducing chronic inflammation.

7. Energizing the Central Nervous System.

8. Maintaining a proper and stable blood sugar level.

As stated earlier, many of these fundamentals overlap or are directly related to others – thus reducing the total count. Also bear in mind, that the relative order of importance is somewhat dynamic and subject to change because of the severity or lack of in each category. I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed with the all or nothing mentality in regard to all of these fundamentals. Great progress can be made toward your pursuit of your potential with just a few of the steps. Progress takes time – achievement takes practice, and I will be here sharing as much as I possibly can with you to help you achieve your potential and your state of agelessness.

Please check out my other pages as we go into more detail on each of these fundamentals as I hope you understand that I’ve left a lot out for simplicity’s sake. Also, some of these fundamentals require such a large pieces of information that they will actually have their own category and pages, as indicated by their own buttons. Many will simply be subcategories to the larger ones such as diet and blood sugar levels. Either way enjoy your progression, I hope to continually load this site with more detailed and useful information as well as dozens of videos to illustrate all of the exercises that you can use to create that anabolic/adaptive state of being. I’m going to do more than just show a bunch of exercises and how to perform them – more importantly I will show you the underlying factors of these exercises and how you can apply them to get a more positive end result. There are many methods that can be used to keep the body guessing and create that youthful anabolic state.

With that being said, I also must advise you that none of this makes any sense to participate in if you have any underlying conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or a host of other conditions that can only be determined by a licensed medical physician. In fact, one should not undertake this or any other exercise and nutritional program without the consent of their own personal physician. After all, this site is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. This site and the philosophies within are intended to build a healthy body from the level of the cell through nutrition and exercise.

I want to leave you for now with some words from the great motivational speaker, Jim Rohn. He stated that the best definition of failure was “errors in judgment repeated daily” – and the best definition of success was “a few simple disciplines practiced daily”.

I wish you the greatest success in your quest for your own human potential!!

Tommy Atlas

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